HuangLabAiming to design and implement fundamental algorithms, protocols, and systems that can solve real problems for this world.
Lab Director
- Dr. Huawei HUANG earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from The University of Aizu (Japan). He has served as a research fellow of JSPS, a visiting scholar at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a program-specific Assistant Professor at Kyoto University (Japan).
- Huawei Huang is a Professor (Full) at the School of Software Engineering (SSE), Sun Yat-Sen University, China.
- ResearchGate:
- Google Scholar:
- Podcast of Blockchain & Web3 (In Chinese)
Software Engineering Scientist, CTO of HuangLab's Projects

Blockchain system research and development. Full-stack engineer.
Scholars: Research Associate / Research Assistant

Taotao Li (李涛涛)
Post-doctoral scholar, School of Software Engineering, SYSU.

Qinglin Yang (杨青林)
Visiting scholar of HuangLab, Assistant Professor at Guangzhou University.

Xiaofei Luo (罗肖飞)
Post-doctoral researcher, School of Software Engineering, SYSU.

Post-doctoral researcher, School of Software Engineering, SYSU.
Ph.D. Students

Qinde Chen (陈钦德)
Ph.D. student, working on Blockchain Systems, and DeFi protocols (2023~)

Jian Zheng (郑简)
Ph.D. student, working on Blockchain Systems, and DeFi protocols (2024~)

Ph.D student, Blockchain Systems, DeFi, 2025~

Ph.D student, Blockchain Systems, DeFi, 2025~
Master Students Enrolled in Fall 2022
- Miaoyong XU (许淼泳)
- Haohan SUN (孙浩瀚)
- Chun WANG (王淳)
Master Students Enrolled in Fall 2023
- Guang YE (叶光), M.Sc. Student
- Zhaokang YIN (殷昭伉), M.Sc. Student
Master Students Enrolled in Fall 2024
- Baozhou Xie (谢葆洲), M.Sc. Student
- Feihong Hu (胡飞鸿), M.Sc. Student
Visiting Students
- Mr. Yijun Lu (芦一钧), July~August, 2024

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University.
- (Jan. 2023 ~ Dec. 2023) Shuzhang Cai received his B.Sc. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He is now a Ph.D. student in information systems at UTDallas, USA.
- (Feb. 2022 ~ present) Yinqiu Liu received his M.Sc. degree from UCLA, USA. Yinqiu enrolled at NTU as a Ph.D student in January 2023.
- Jian ZHENG (郑简), enrolled at the University of Aizu, Japan, in 2022 as a master’s program student.
- Guang YE (叶光), will enroll HuangLab as a Master-program student in Fall 2023.
- Miaoyong XU (许淼泳), enrolled HuangLab in 2022 as an M.Sc. student
- Haohan SUN (孙浩瀚), enrolled HuangLab in 2022 as an M.Eng. student
- Wei KONG (孔伟), 2019~2021
- enrolls in Fall 2021 as a master’s program student at Wuhan University of Technology.
- Liuding HE (贺刘丁), 2019~2021
- enrolls at Ohio State University, in the fall of 2022.
- Lu LIU (刘露), 2020~2021
- started to work at Tencent in 2021.
- Haonan WANG (王浩楠), 2019~2020
- enrolled in Fall 2022 as a master’s program student at Peking University.
- Haonan SUN (孙浩男), 2019~2020
- Weile LUO (罗炜乐), 2019~2020, enrolled at HKUST (Guangzhou) as a Ph.D. student in 2021.
- Zhang NAN (南樟), 2019
- Beiqi MIAO (缪贝琪), 2020
- Shenwei Huang (黄绅潍), 2022
- Ling Yang (杨玲), 2021~2022, enrolled at HKU as a Ph.D. student in 2023.
Alumni (since 2019)
Graduated M.Sc. and M.Eng. students (who enrolled in 2019)
Kangying LIN (林康颖), 2019~2021
- 毕业去向:广州市百果园网络科技有限公司(BIGO),广州
- 企业应用开发
Yang YANG (杨洋), 2019~2021
- 毕业去向:北京嘀嘀无限科技发展有限公司,北京
- 产品定价需求的开发
Keshan ZHANG (张可姗), 2019~2021
- 毕业去向:字节跳动,深圳
- 今日头条增长业务的质量保障工作
Zhengyu YUE (岳峥宇), 2019~2022
- 毕业去向:杭州游卡网络技术有限公司,杭州
- 毕业论文题目:基于分片联盟链的弹性资源分配策略研究
- Title of thesis: Resource Allocation against Imbalanced Transaction Assignments in Sharding-based Permissioned Blockchains
Graduated M.Sc. and M.Eng. students (who enrolled in 2020)
Xiao PENG (彭肖文), 2020~2023
- 毕业去向:蚂蚁金融,深圳
- 毕业论文题目:基于状态分片的区块链系统协议设计与研究
- Title of thesis: Design and Research on Blockchain System Protocol based on State Sharding
Sicong ZHOU (周思聪), 2020~2023
- 毕业去向:互联网企业,论客科技(广州)有限公司
- 毕业论文题目:基于多委员会的拜占庭容错分布式学习框架
- Title of thesis: Committee-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Learning Framework
Zhenyi HUANG (黄振毅), 2020~2022
- 毕业去向:公务员,深圳
- 毕业论文题目:区块链分片协议的委员会调度规划
- Title of thesis: Scheduling Valuable Committees for the Sharded Blockchain
Canlin LI (李灿林), 2020~2022
- 毕业去向:Bytedance, Shenzhen
- 毕业论文题目:区块链的动态分片协议设计与研究
- Title of thesis: Design and Research on Blockchain Dynamic Sharding Protocol
Shenyang ZHANG (张深扬), 2020~2022
- 毕业去向:Wechat, Guangzhou
- 毕业论文题目:分片区块链的状态热调度机制研究
- Title of thesis: Research on Real-time Scheduling Mechanism of Account State in Sharded Blockchain
Jianzhou ZHAN (詹建洲), 2020~2022
- 毕业去向:Pin Duoduo, Shanghai
- 毕业论文题目:基于分片代理的分片区块链委员会重组机制研究
- Title of thesis: Research on the Committee Reconfiguration Mechanism of Sharding Blockchain based on Sharding Proxy
Graduated M.Sc. and M.Eng. students (who enrolled in 2021)
RUIXIN LI (李瑞新), 2021~2024
- 毕业去向:美团,上海
- 毕业论文题目:联邦学习参与设备的稳定性研究
- Title of thesis: Enhancing the Stability of Devices in Federated Learning
JIALIANG LIU (刘家良), 2021~2024
- 毕业去向:华为,上海
- 毕业论文题目:数据异质联邦学习的方法研究
- Title of thesis: Research on Methods of Data-heterogeneity Federated Learning
YETONG ZHAO (赵烨彤), 2021~2024
- 毕业去向:阿里云,北京
- 毕业论文题目:为分片区块链设计网络节点重组方案
- Title of thesis: tMPT: Reconfiguration across Blockchain Shards via Trimmed Merkle Patricia Trie
YUE LIN (林岳), 2021~2024
- 毕业去向:字节跳动,珠海
- 毕业论文题目:对分片区块链的状态存储重配置方案研究
- Title of thesis: Research on State Storage Reconfiguration Scheme of Sharded Blockchain
HuangLab appreciates the great efforts made by every member. You have a unique contribution to the success of HuangLab.